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The ETE toolkit
A Python Environment for Tree Exploration


A portable application for Nested Phylogenetic Reconstruction and workflow design

Please note that this software is the process of being integrated into the main ETE package ("ete build") and it is no longer maintained as a separate program. It is still in a very experimental state.


ETE-NPR is a portable application providing a complete environment for the design and execution of phylogenomic workflows, including super-matrix and gene-tree reconstruction approaches. ETE-NPR is designed to cover all necessary steps from alignment reconstruction to the generation of trees and alignment images.

ETE-NPR aims at providing a complete phylogenetic reconstruction environment both for novel and expert users.

The program is built on top of the ETE toolkit and a bunch of specialized software, providing predefined workflows based on up-to-date phylogenetic procedures.

In addition, ETE-NPR implements a Nested Phylogenetic Reconstruction (NPR) methodology that allows to address the inference of large phylogenies as a recursive process in which the resolution of internal nodes is gradually refined from root to leaves in an automatic way.

Note that NPR capabilities are also available for the supermatrix approach, which allows to refine the concatenated alignment of each internal node and automatically increase the number of marker genes used to infer the topology of clades including closer species. Related:

Finally, ETE-NPR allows the use of meta-workflows, which consist of multiple workflows executed at once on the same input data using a single command line. A common meta-workflow consist of several aligners and tree inference programs tested on the same to data to evaluate differences among results.

Major Features

  • Predefined workflows and meta-workflows
  • Recursive phylogenies (Nested Phylogenetic Reconstruction)
  • Large-scale and HPC ready (phylogenomics scale)
  • Automatic visualization of results
  • Portable and reproducible pipelines
  • Support for a variety of external software Phyml, Raxml, FastTree, BioNJ, Trimal, Muscle, Mafft, Dialign-tx, M-Coffee.

Download & first Install

  • Linux (portable, 64 bits) (recommended for HPC environments)
    • Download the portable package and decompress in your favorite folder.
    • Execute the update_npr command to check for recent upgrades.

  • MacOS X and Linux (virtual, 64bits)
    • Install Vagrant
    • Download the "ete-start" installation script
    • Execute sh ete-start in the command line to get a shell within the ETE-NPR environment (first execution will download and setup the dependencies automatally).
    • Execute the update_npr command to check for recent upgrades.

  • Sources are available here

Upgrade to 0.9.28

If you already have a running version of the software, execute the update_npr command to upgrade to its latest version.

Help & Support

Getting Started

Important concepts behind the ETE-NPR program

Gene-tree reconstruction

For the next examples, you will need to download the following data files:

Basic gene-tree reconstruction example

  • Execute a fast analysis:

    $ npr -a p53.fasta -o p53_results1 -w standard_fasttree 

    After a short time, your tree should be found in p53_results/, including (if graphics was available in your system) an image of your tree and alignment (Figure 2).

Gene-tree reconstruction using several workflows

  • Workflows are specified using the -w parameter, and several strategies can be applied at once, thus recycling common tasks.

  • $ npr -a p53.fasta -o p53_results -w standard_fasttree standard_raxml

Recursive gene tree reconstruction

Note that recursive phylogenies are only recommended for very large trees or very patchy alignments. Next examples are kept small to avoid large computation times.

  • Any workflow can be turned into recursive by ussing the --recursive option:

    $ npr -a p53.fasta -o p53_results3 -w standard_fasttree --recursive

    This command will execute the standard RAxML workflow for all the nodes in the resulting tree, meaning that alignment and model-selection steps will be optimized at each iteration.

  • As this can be very intensive computationally, you may want to specify different workflows for different tree levels.

    $ npr -a p53.fasta -o p53_results4 -w standard_fasttree \
          --recursive "size-range:0-19,standard_raxml" "size-range:20-500,standard_fasttree"

    This command will execute the standard FastTree workflow for the first iteration, and for partitions of at least 20 sequences. Smaller partitions will be analyzed using RAxML.

Recursive gene tree reconstruction using mixed sequence types

  • Recursive phylogenies allow to combine the use of nucleotide and amino-acid sequnece in the same tree. You just need to specify a nucleotide fasta file and your recursive strategy

    $ npr -a NUP62.aa.fa -n NUP62.nt.fa -o NUP62_results1 -w standard_fasttree \
          --recursive seq-sim-range:0.95-1,standard_fasttree --nt_switch_thr 0.95

    This command will execute the standard fasttree workflow using amino-acid sequences in the first iteration. Recursive refinement is done using the same workflow but will only occur in nodes whose sequence similarity (aa based) is higher than 0.95, which is also the threshold for switching to nucleotide alignments. Result is shown in Figure 3.

Fig 1. Standard output of a typical ETE-NPR analysis. Different tasks are monitored during execution. The verbosity of log messages can be controlled using the-v option.

Fig 2. An image of the final tree generated by ETE-NPR, including the schematic representation of the multiple sequence alignment.

Fig 3. Blue nodes represent nodes whose internal topology has been optimized with NPR. Green background show the parts of the phylogeny that were optimized using a codon based alignment.

Supermatrix tree reconstruction (alignment concatenation)

For the next examples, you will need to download the following data files:

Basic super-matrix tree reconstruction

super-matrix based strategies require:

  • A sumermatrix workflow defining how orthologous genes are selected and concatenated
  • the genetree workflow specifiying how individual gene trees and alignments should be recunstructed prior to concatenation.
  • A file containg all sequences in FASTA format, typically all proteomes or genomes
  • and a text file grouping orthologous sequences, known as the Clusters of Orthologs Groups (COGs).

    The cogs file is text file containing a group of orthologous sequences per line, each sparated by TABs. In example:

    sp1_seqA   sp2_seqA    sp3_seqA
    sp1_seqB   sp2_seqB    sp3_seqB
    sp1_seqC   sp3_seqC    sp4_seqC    sp5_seqC
And a simple run using the above example fil would look like this:

$ npr -a proteome_seqs.fa --cogs cogs.txt -o sptree1_results/ -m sptree_dummy -w linsi_fasttree 

Looking for more details?

Check the (expanding) ETE-NPR HowTo

ETE is developed as an academic free software tool. If you find ETE useful for your work, please cite:

Jaime Huerta-Cepas, Joaquín Dopazo and Toni Gabaldón. ETE: a python Environment for Tree Exploration. BMC Bioinformatics 2010, 11:24. doi:10.1186/1471-2105-11-24

Support mailing list: [email protected]
Contact:: [email protected]

The ETE Toolkit was originally developed at the bioinformatics department of CIPF and greatly improved at the comparative genomics unit of CRG. At present, ETE is maintained by Jaime Huerta-Cepas at the Structural and Computational Biology unit of EMBL (Heidelberg, Germany).