Cookbook index

Basic phylogenetic tree reconstruction using ete-build

This recipe shows basic concepts for the use the ete-build tool. It also shows how to build a phylogenetic tree from scratch using predefined workflows.


  • ete3

  • ete3_external_apps

    ete3-build requires several external programs to compute trees, sequence alignments and to perform other tasks. The recommended way to install those external tools is using the Conda pre-built package. The ete3_external_apps is a meta-package that includes all the necessary tools pre-compiled for Linux and OS X. This has two main advantages:

    • It is a plug&play solution, requiring nos admin permissions and installing a full computing environment in a few minutes.

    • It ensures reproducibility. The set of tools is distributed under a common version number, so you can always come back to previous version if necessary.

    If manual installation is necessary, you could also try the manual installation process by running ete3 upgrade-external-tools, which will attempt to compile all tools from scratch in your local system. This is provided as a helper functionality, but any problem derived from the compilation of external software is out of the scope of the ETE toolkit.

Check installation instructions at


1. Check that all external applications are available

In [43]:
ete3 build check
Current Toolchain path: /Users/jhc/anaconda/bin/ete3_apps 
Current Toolchain version: 2.0.3

       clustalo: OK - 1.2.1
         codeml: OK - AAML in paml version 4.8a, July 2014
       fasttree: OK - FastTree Version 2.1.8 Double precision (No SSE3), OpenMP (1 threads)
         kalign: OK - Kalign version 2.04, Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Timo Lassmann
          mafft: OK - MAFFT v6.861b (2011/09/24)
         muscle: OK - MUSCLE v3.8.31 by Robert C. Edgar
          phyml: OK - . This is PhyML version 20160115.
     pmodeltest: OK - v1.4
          prank: OK - prank v.100802. Minimal usage: 'prank sequence_file'
       probcons: OK - PROBCONS version 1.12 - align multiple protein sequences and print to standard output
          raxml: OK - This is RAxML version 8.1.20 released by Alexandros Stamatakis on April 18 2015.
 raxml-pthreads: OK - This is RAxML version 8.1.20 released by Alexandros Stamatakis on April 18 2015.
         readal: OK - readAl v1.4.rev6 build[2012-02-02]
            slr: OK - # SLR "Sitewise Likelihood Ratio" selection detection program. Version 1.4.3
         statal: OK - statAl v1.4.rev6 build[2012-02-02]
        tcoffee: OK - PROGRAM: T-COFFEE Version_11.00.8cbe486 (2014-08-12 22:05:29 - Revision 8cbe486 - Build 477)
         trimal: OK - trimAl v1.4.rev6 build[2012-02-02]
Dialign-tx not supported in OS X

2. Have a look at the available predefined workflows

A list of predefined worlflows can be found here, but you can always query from the command line for up-to-date options.

In [3]:
ete3 build workflows genetree
                                                    GeneTree Workflows                                                   
Worflow name                                  | Description                                                  | threads   
============================================= | ============================================================ | ==========
phylomedb4                                    | Worflow described in Huerta-Cepas, et al (Nucleic Acid Resea | 1         
                                              | rch, 2013) and used in                  |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
eggnog41                                      | Workflow used in the EggNOG orthology database and based on  | 1         
                                              | the phylomedb4 workflow                                      |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
ensembl_small                                 | Experimental (do not use yet)                                | 1         
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
ensembl_large                                 | Experimental (do not use yet)                                | 1         
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
full_modeltest                                | Complete (and slow) pipeline testing all evolutionary models | 1         
                                              |  and inferring tree with Phyml                               |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
full_modeltest_bootstrap                      | Complete (and slow) pipeline testing all evolutionary models | 1         
                                              |  and inferring tree with Phyml and 100 bootstraps            |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
full_fast_modeltest                           | Test all evolutionary models using NJ inference and computes | 1         
                                              |  final tree with Phyml                                       |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
full_fast_modeltest_bootstrap                 | Test all evolutionary models using NJ inference and computes | 1         
                                              |  final tree with Phyml and 100 bootstraps                    |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
full_ultrafast_modeltest                      | Test all evolutionary models using NJ inference with no F, I | 1         
                                              |  and G estimation and computes final tree with Phyml         |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
full_ultrafast_modeltest_bootstrap            | Test all evolutionary models using NJ inference with no F, I | 1         
                                              |  and G estimation and computes final tree with Phyml and 100 |           
                                              |  bootstraps                                                  |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
soft_modeltest                                | Complete (and slow) pipeline testing 5 protein evolutionary  | 1         
                                              | models and inferring tree with Phyml                         |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
soft_modeltest_bootstrap                      | Complete (and slow) pipeline testing 5 protein evolutionary  | 1         
                                              | models and inferring tree with Phyml and 100 bootstraps      |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
soft_fast_modeltest                           | Test 5 protein evolutionary models using NJ inference and co | 1         
                                              | mputes final tree with Phyml                                 |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
soft_fast_modeltest_bootstrap                 | Test 5 protein evolutionary models using NJ inference and co | 1         
                                              | mputes final tree with Phyml and 100 bootstraps              |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
soft_ultrafast_modeltest                      | Test 5 protein evolutionary models using NJ inference with n | 1         
                                              | o F, I and G estimation and computes final tree with Phyml   |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
soft_ultrafast_modeltest_bootstrap            | Test 5 protein evolutionary models using NJ inference with n | 1         
                                              | o F, I and G estimation and computes final tree with Phyml a |           
                                              | nd 100 bootstraps                                            |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
standard_raxml                                | Computes a tree using ClustalOmega with default parameters a | 1         
                                              | s aligner and RAxML                                          |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
standard_raxml_bootstrap                      | Computes a tree using ClustalOmega with default parameters a | 1         
                                              | s alignerand RAxML with 100 bootstraps                       |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
standard_phyml                                | Computes a tree using ClustalOmega with default parameters a | 1         
                                              | s aligner and Phyml                                          |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
standard_phyml_bootstrap                      | Computes a tree using ClustalOmega with default parameters a | 1         
                                              | s aligner and Phyml and 100 bootstraps                       |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
standard_fasttree                             | Computes a tree using ClustalOmega with default parameters a | 1         
                                              | s aligner and FastTree                                       |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
standard_trimmed_raxml                        | Computes a tree using default ClustalOmega as aligner, trimA | 1         
                                              | l for alg. cleaning and RAxML                                |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
standard_trimmed_raxml_bootstrap              | Computes a tree using ClustalOmega with default parameters,  | 1         
                                              | trimAl for alg. cleaning and RAxML with 100 bootstraps       |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
standard_trimmed_phyml                        | Computes a tree using ClustalOmega with default parameters,  | 1         
                                              | trimAl for alg. cleaning as aligner and Phyml                |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
standard_trimmed_phyml_bootstrap              | Computes a tree using ClustalOmega with default parameters,  | 1         
                                              | trimAl for alg. cleaning as aligner and Phyml and 100 bootst |           
                                              | raps                                                         |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
standard_trimmed_fasttree                     | Computes a tree using ClustalOmega with default parameters,  | 1         
                                              | trimAl for alg. cleaning as aligner and FastTree             |           
============================================= | ============================================================ | ==========

3. Prepare your sequences as a FASTA file

  • Although ete-build perform some basic checks on the input file, make sure that your data is correctly encoded as FASTA format.

  • It is recommended that the header of the FASTA file does not contain weird symbols and that sequence names are not duplicated (ete will raise an error otherwise).

  • You can use amino acids or nucleotide sequences.

For this example, we will use the NUP62 homologous amino-acid sequences:

In [48]:
cat data/NUP62.aa.fa | head -n15

4. Pick a workflow name from the list in step 2 and run it

Only three parameters are required:

  • Use -a to provide an amino acid sequence file (or -n for nucleotides)
  • -o to define the output directory (should not exist, otherwise --resume or --clearall flags will be necessary)
  • -w to set the name of the workflow to be executed. For this example we will use the standard_fasttree workflow.
In [49]:
ete3 build -w standard_fasttree -a NUP62.aa.fa -o NUP62_tree/ --clearall
Toolchain path: /Users/jhc/anaconda/bin/ete3_apps 
Toolchain version: 2.0.3

                  ETE build - reproducible phylogenetic workflows 
                                    unknown, unknown.

      If you use ETE in a published work, please cite:

        Jaime Huerta-Cepas, Joaquín Dopazo and Toni Gabaldón. ETE: a python
        Environment for Tree Exploration. BMC Bioinformatics 2010,
        11:24. doi:10.1186/1471-2105-11-24

      (Note that a list of the external programs used to complete all necessary
      computations will be also shown after execution. Those programs should
      also be cited.)

INFO -  Testing x86-64  portable applications...
       clustalo: OK - 1.2.1
Dialign-tx not supported in OS X
       fasttree: OK - FastTree Version 2.1.8 Double precision (No SSE3), OpenMP (1 threads)
         kalign: OK - Kalign version 2.04, Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Timo Lassmann
          mafft: OK - MAFFT v6.861b (2011/09/24)
         muscle: OK - MUSCLE v3.8.31 by Robert C. Edgar
          phyml: OK - . This is PhyML version 20160115.
     pmodeltest: OK - v1.4
          prank: OK - prank v.100802. Minimal usage: 'prank sequence_file'
       probcons: OK - PROBCONS version 1.12 - align multiple protein sequences and print to standard output
          raxml: OK - This is RAxML version 8.1.20 released by Alexandros Stamatakis on April 18 2015.
 raxml-pthreads: OK - This is RAxML version 8.1.20 released by Alexandros Stamatakis on April 18 2015.
         readal: OK - readAl v1.4.rev6 build[2012-02-02]
         statal: OK - statAl v1.4.rev6 build[2012-02-02]
        tcoffee: OK - PROGRAM: T-COFFEE Version_11.00.8cbe486 (2014-08-12 22:05:29 - Revision 8cbe486 - Build 477)
         trimal: OK - trimAl v1.4.rev6 build[2012-02-02]
INFO -  Starting ETE-build execution at Fri Feb  5 20:00:51 2016
INFO -  Output directory /Users/jhc/_Devel/cookbook/recipes/NUP62_tree
INFO -  Erasing all existing npr data...
WRNG -  Using existing dir: /Users/jhc/_Devel/cookbook/recipes/NUP62_tree/db
INFO -  Reading aa sequences from NUP62.aa.fa...
WRNG -  25 target sequences
INFO -  ETE build starts now!
INFO -   Updating tasks status: (Fri Feb  5 20:00:51 2016)
INFO -  Thread clustalo_default-none-none-fasttree_full: pending tasks: 1 of sizes: 25
INFO -   (W) MultiSeqTask (25 aa seqs, MSF, /clustalo_d...ttree_full)
INFO -   (D) MultiSeqTask (25 aa seqs, MSF, /clustalo_d...ttree_full)
INFO -  Waiting 2 seconds
INFO -   Updating tasks status: (Fri Feb  5 20:00:53 2016)
INFO -  Thread clustalo_default-none-none-fasttree_full: pending tasks: 1 of sizes: 25
INFO -   (W) AlgTask (25 aa seqs, Clustal-Omega, /clustalo_d...ttree_full)
INFO -  Waiting 2 seconds
INFO -   Updating tasks status: (Fri Feb  5 20:00:55 2016)
INFO -  Thread clustalo_default-none-none-fasttree_full: pending tasks: 1 of sizes: 25
INFO -   (W) AlgTask (25 aa seqs, Clustal-Omega, /clustalo_d...ttree_full)
INFO -   (D) AlgTask (25 aa seqs, Clustal-Omega, /clustalo_d...ttree_full)
INFO -  Waiting 2 seconds
INFO -   Updating tasks status: (Fri Feb  5 20:00:57 2016)
INFO -  Thread clustalo_default-none-none-fasttree_full: pending tasks: 1 of sizes: 25
INFO -   (W) TreeTask (25 aa seqs, FastTree, /clustalo_d...ttree_full)
INFO -  Waiting 2 seconds
INFO -   Updating tasks status: (Fri Feb  5 20:00:59 2016)
INFO -  Thread clustalo_default-none-none-fasttree_full: pending tasks: 1 of sizes: 25
INFO -   (W) TreeTask (25 aa seqs, FastTree, /clustalo_d...ttree_full)
INFO -  Waiting 2 seconds
INFO -   Updating tasks status: (Fri Feb  5 20:01:01 2016)
INFO -  Thread clustalo_default-none-none-fasttree_full: pending tasks: 1 of sizes: 25
INFO -   (R) TreeTask (25 aa seqs, FastTree, /clustalo_d...ttree_full)
INFO -  Waiting 2 seconds
INFO -   Updating tasks status: (Fri Feb  5 20:01:03 2016)
INFO -  Thread clustalo_default-none-none-fasttree_full: pending tasks: 1 of sizes: 25
INFO -   (R) TreeTask (25 aa seqs, FastTree, /clustalo_d...ttree_full)
INFO -   (D) TreeTask (25 aa seqs, FastTree, /clustalo_d...ttree_full)
INFO -  Waiting 2 seconds
INFO -   Updating tasks status: (Fri Feb  5 20:01:05 2016)
INFO -  Thread clustalo_default-none-none-fasttree_full: pending tasks: 1 of sizes: 25
INFO -   (W) TreeMergeTask (25 aa seqs, TreeMerger, /clustalo_d...ttree_full)
INFO -   (D) TreeMergeTask (25 aa seqs, TreeMerger, /clustalo_d...ttree_full)
INFO -  Waiting 2 seconds
INFO -  Assembling final tree...
INFO -  Done thread clustalo_default-none-none-fasttree_full in 1 iteration(s)
INFO -  Writing final tree for clustalo_default-none-none-fasttree_full
   /Users/jhc/_Devel/cookbook/recipes/NUP62_tree/clustalo_default-none-none-fasttree_full/NUP62.aa.fa.final_tree.nwx (newick extended)
INFO -  Writing final tree alignment clustalo_default-none-none-fasttree_full
INFO -  Writing root node alignment clustalo_default-none-none-fasttree_full
INFO -  Generating tree image for clustalo_default-none-none-fasttree_full
INFO -  Done
INFO -  Deleting temporal data...
         The following published software and/or methods were used.        
               *** Please, do not forget to cite them! ***                 
   Sievers F, Wilm A, Dineen D, Gibson TJ, Karplus K, Li W, Lopez R,
      McWilliam H, Remmert M, Söding J, Thompson JD, Higgins DG. Fast,
      scalable generation of high-quality protein multiple sequence
      alignments using Clustal Omega. Mol Syst Biol. 2011 Oct 11;7:539.
      doi: 10.1038/msb.2011.75.
   Huerta-Cepas J, Dopazo J, Gabaldón T. ETE: a python Environment for Tree
      Exploration. BMC Bioinformatics. 2010 Jan 13;11:24.
   Price MN, Dehal PS, Arkin AP. FastTree 2 - approximately maximum-
      likelihood trees for large alignments. PLoS One. 2010 Mar

After a few minutes you should get the process done and get a list of generated files and references to the software used. All results will be stored in the provided output directory, whose structure is the following:

In [21]:
ls NUP62_tree/ -ltr
total 52
drwxr-xr-x 12 jhc staff   408 Jan 20 13:16 clustalo_default-none-none-fasttree_full
-rw-r--r--  1 jhc staff 53048 Feb  3 22:56 ete_build.cfg
drwxr-xr-x  4 jhc staff   136 Feb  3 22:56 tasks
drwxr-xr-x 33 jhc staff  1122 Feb  3 22:56 db
  • the ete_build.cfg is a copy of the configuration file used (including all workflow options, etc.)
  • db/ and tasks/ are temporary directories used to run different processes. They are used in case you want to resume an analysis or if you need to debug any issue. Every job (i.e. FastTree, ClustalO, etc. will generate one or more directories in tasks)
  • your results are stored in the folder matching the raw name of the workflow chosen. standard_fastree translates into a workflow using clustal Omega and Fasttree, and skipping model testing and alignment trimming, so the result dir is clustalo_default-none-none-fasttree_full

Note that a full path pointer to the final tree and alignment is also printed when ete3 finishes.

5. Explore your tree

As we did not use the --noimg flag, a tree and alignment image was generated automatically.

In [22]:
from IPython.display import Image

You can also have a quick look at the resulting tree from your terminal using ete3 view --text

In [23]:
ete3 view --text -t NUP62_tree/clustalo_default-none-none-fasttree_full/NUP62.aa.fa.final_tree.nw
     |  |   /-Phy004Z0OU_MELUD
     |   \-|
   /-|      \-Phy00527O5_PICPB
  |  |
  |  |   /-Phy004U0LB_BUCRH
  |   \-|
  |     |   /-Phy004TLNA_APAVI
  |      \-|
  |         \-Phy004Z7RR_MERNU
  |         /-Phy004STVX_187382
  |        |
  |      /-|      /-Phy004Y35P_HALLE
  |     |  |   /-|
--|     |  |  |   \-Phy004XRVA_HALAL
  |     |   \-|
  |     |     |   /-Phy00508FR_NIPNI
  |   /-|      \-|
  |  |  |         \-Phy004Y9VQ_LEPDC
  |  |  |
  |  |  |   /-Phy004W8WI_FALPE
  |  |  |  |
  |  |   \-|      /-Phy004UIZ8_CALAN
  |  |     |   /-|
  |  |     |  |   \-Phy004SNJQ_CHAVO
  |  |      \-|
   \-|        |   /-Phy00535AU_PYGAD
     |         \-|
     |            \-Phy004O1E0_APTFO
     |      /-Phy004OQ34_STRCA
     |   /-|
     |  |  |   /-Phy004PA1B_ANAPL
     |  |   \-|
     |  |     |   /-Phy0054BO3_MELGA
      \-|      \-|
        |         \-Phy003I7ZJ_CHICK
        |   /-Phy0050IUO_OPIHO
        |  |
         \-|      /-Phy004OLZM_COLLI
           |   /-|
           |  |   \-Phy004OLZN_COLLI
              |   /-Phy004W8WJ_FALPE

or open an interactive interface to browse it:

 `ete3 view -t NUP62_tree/clustalo_default-none-none-fasttree_full/NUP62.aa.fa.final_tree.nw`

or even generate an SVG figure from the command line

In [50]:
ete3 view --image tree.svg -t NUP62_tree/clustalo_default-none-none-fasttree_full/NUP62.aa.fa.final_tree.nw
In [63]:
from IPython.display import SVG
Generated with ETE Generated with ETE Phy004VACL_55661 Phy004Z0OU_MELUD Phy00527O5_PICPB Phy004U0LB_BUCRH Phy004TLNA_APAVI Phy004Z7RR_MERNU Phy004STVX_187382 Phy004Y35P_HALLE Phy004XRVA_HALAL Phy00508FR_NIPNI Phy004Y9VQ_LEPDC Phy004W8WI_FALPE Phy004UIZ8_CALAN Phy004SNJQ_CHAVO Phy00535AU_PYGAD Phy004O1E0_APTFO Phy004OQ34_STRCA Phy004PA1B_ANAPL Phy0054BO3_MELGA Phy003I7ZJ_CHICK Phy0050IUO_OPIHO Phy004OLZM_COLLI Phy004OLZN_COLLI Phy004W8WJ_FALPE Phy004V34S_CORBR 0.02

6. Load tree and alignment using the ete3 API for further analysis

remember that the Python API allows you to do much more, from rooting, traversing or node manipulation to custom visualization.

Load the tree using the ete3 Python module, and operate with it as a Python object.

In [61]:
from ete3 import PhyloTree
tree = PhyloTree("NUP62_tree/clustalo_default-none-none-fasttree_full/NUP62.aa.fa.final_tree.nw")
In [60]:
tree.get_common_ancestor("Phy004W8WJ_FALPE", "Phy004OQ34_STRCA").render("%%inline", layout="basic")