Cookbook index

List of gene tree workflows

In [1]:
!ete3 build workflows genetree
                                                    GeneTree Workflows                                                   
Worflow name                                  | Description                                                  | threads   
============================================= | ============================================================ | ==========
phylomedb4                                    | Worflow described in Huerta-Cepas, et al (Nucleic Acid Resea | 1         
                                              | rch, 2013) and used in                  |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
eggnog41                                      | Workflow used in the EggNOG orthology database and based on  | 1         
                                              | the phylomedb4 workflow                                      |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
ensembl_small                                 | Experimental (do not use yet)                                | 1         
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
ensembl_large                                 | Experimental (do not use yet)                                | 1         
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
full_modeltest                                | Complete (and slow) pipeline testing all evolutionary models | 1         
                                              |  and inferring tree with Phyml                               |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
full_modeltest_bootstrap                      | Complete (and slow) pipeline testing all evolutionary models | 1         
                                              |  and inferring tree with Phyml and 100 bootstraps            |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
full_fast_modeltest                           | Test all evolutionary models using NJ inference and computes | 1         
                                              |  final tree with Phyml                                       |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
full_fast_modeltest_bootstrap                 | Test all evolutionary models using NJ inference and computes | 1         
                                              |  final tree with Phyml and 100 bootstraps                    |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
full_ultrafast_modeltest                      | Test all evolutionary models using NJ inference with no F, I | 1         
                                              |  and G estimation and computes final tree with Phyml         |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
full_ultrafast_modeltest_bootstrap            | Test all evolutionary models using NJ inference with no F, I | 1         
                                              |  and G estimation and computes final tree with Phyml and 100 |           
                                              |  bootstraps                                                  |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
soft_modeltest                                | Complete (and slow) pipeline testing 5 protein evolutionary  | 1         
                                              | models and inferring tree with Phyml                         |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
soft_modeltest_bootstrap                      | Complete (and slow) pipeline testing 5 protein evolutionary  | 1         
                                              | models and inferring tree with Phyml and 100 bootstraps      |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
soft_fast_modeltest                           | Test 5 protein evolutionary models using NJ inference and co | 1         
                                              | mputes final tree with Phyml                                 |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
soft_fast_modeltest_bootstrap                 | Test 5 protein evolutionary models using NJ inference and co | 1         
                                              | mputes final tree with Phyml and 100 bootstraps              |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
soft_ultrafast_modeltest                      | Test 5 protein evolutionary models using NJ inference with n | 1         
                                              | o F, I and G estimation and computes final tree with Phyml   |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
soft_ultrafast_modeltest_bootstrap            | Test 5 protein evolutionary models using NJ inference with n | 1         
                                              | o F, I and G estimation and computes final tree with Phyml a |           
                                              | nd 100 bootstraps                                            |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
standard_raxml                                | Computes a tree using ClustalOmega with default parameters a | 1         
                                              | s aligner and RAxML                                          |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
standard_raxml_bootstrap                      | Computes a tree using ClustalOmega with default parameters a | 1         
                                              | s alignerand RAxML with 100 bootstraps                       |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
standard_phyml                                | Computes a tree using ClustalOmega with default parameters a | 1         
                                              | s aligner and Phyml                                          |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
standard_phyml_bootstrap                      | Computes a tree using ClustalOmega with default parameters a | 1         
                                              | s aligner and Phyml and 100 bootstraps                       |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
standard_fasttree                             | Computes a tree using ClustalOmega with default parameters a | 1         
                                              | s aligner and FastTree                                       |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
standard_trimmed_raxml                        | Computes a tree using default ClustalOmega as aligner, trimA | 1         
                                              | l for alg. cleaning and RAxML                                |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
standard_trimmed_raxml_bootstrap              | Computes a tree using ClustalOmega with default parameters,  | 1         
                                              | trimAl for alg. cleaning and RAxML with 100 bootstraps       |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
standard_trimmed_phyml                        | Computes a tree using ClustalOmega with default parameters,  | 1         
                                              | trimAl for alg. cleaning as aligner and Phyml                |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
standard_trimmed_phyml_bootstrap              | Computes a tree using ClustalOmega with default parameters,  | 1         
                                              | trimAl for alg. cleaning as aligner and Phyml and 100 bootst |           
                                              | raps                                                         |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
standard_trimmed_fasttree                     | Computes a tree using ClustalOmega with default parameters,  | 1         
                                              | trimAl for alg. cleaning as aligner and FastTree             |           
============================================= | ============================================================ | ==========

List of aligners

In [2]:
!ete3 build apps aligners
name                 | app type   | desc.                                                                 
==================== | ========== | ======================================================================
metaligner_phylomedb | metaligner | Meta-aligning based on head/tail alignments produced by muscle, mafft 
                     |            | and dialign-tx, scanned with M-Coffee. Unconsistent columns are remove
                     |            | d and final alignment is cleaned with trimAl                          
-------------------- | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
metaligner_trimmed   | metaligner | Meta-aligning based on head/tail alignments produced by muscle, mafft 
                     |            | and clustalomega, scanned with M-Coffee. Unconsistent columns are remo
                     |            | ved and final alignment is cleaned with trimAl                        
-------------------- | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
metaligner_default   | metaligner | Meta-aligning based on head/tail alignments produced by muscle, mafft 
                     |            | and clustalomega, scanned with M-Coffee. Unconsistent columns are remo
                     |            | ved                                                                   
-------------------- | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
tcoffee_default      | tcoffee    | (EXPERIMENTAL) tcoffee alignment with default paramerters             
-------------------- | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
mcoffee_ensembl      | tcoffee    | (EXPERIMENTAL) mcoffee alignment as used in the Ensembl database      
-------------------- | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
muscle_default       | muscle     | muscle alignment with default parameters                              
-------------------- | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
mafft_default        | mafft      | mafft alignment with default parameters                               
-------------------- | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
mafft_einsi          | mafft      | mafft alignment using the E-INS-i mode                                
-------------------- | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
mafft_linsi          | mafft      | mafft alignment using the L-INS-i mode                                
-------------------- | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
mafft_ginsi          | mafft      | mafft alignment using the G-INS-i mode                                
-------------------- | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
clustalo_default     | clustalo   | clustalo with default parameters                                      
==================== | ========== | ======================================================================

List of aligner cleaners

In [3]:
!ete3 build apps "alg cleaners"
                                     alg cleaners                                     
name            | app type | desc.                                                    
=============== | ======== | =========================================================
trimal001       | trimal   | trimal alignment cleaning removing columns with >1% gaps 
--------------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------
trimal01        | trimal   | trimal alignment cleaning removing columns with >10% gaps
--------------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------
trimal02        | trimal   | trimal alignment cleaning removing columns with >20% gaps
--------------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------
trimal03        | trimal   | trimal alignment cleaning removing columns with >30% gaps
--------------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------
trimal05        | trimal   | trimal alignment cleaning removing columns with >50% gaps
--------------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------
trimal_gappyout | trimal   | trimal alignment cleaning using gappyout algorithm       
=============== | ======== | =========================================================

List of model testers

In [4]:
!ete3 build apps "model testers"
                                                 model testers                                                 
name                      | app type   | desc.                                                                 
========================= | ========== | ======================================================================
prottest_default          | prottest   | Uses BioNJ trees to select best protein model from: JTT, WAG, VT, LG a
                          |            | nd MtREV. Fixed parameters: +G+I+F                                    
------------------------- | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
pmodeltest_full_ultrafast | pmodeltest | Test all models using NJ tree inference and skipping gamma, invariant 
                          |            | sites, and frequency site estimations (!G!I!F)                        
------------------------- | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
pmodeltest_full_fast      | pmodeltest | Test all models using NJ tree inference                               
------------------------- | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
pmodeltest_full_slow      | pmodeltest | Test all models using ML tree inference                               
------------------------- | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
pmodeltest_soft_ultrafast | pmodeltest | Test JTT,WAG,VT,LG,MtREV models using NJ tree inference and skipping g
                          |            | amma, invariant sites, and frequency site estimation (!G!I!F)         
------------------------- | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
pmodeltest_soft_fast      | pmodeltest | Test JTT,WAG,VT,LG,MtREV models using NJ tree inference               
------------------------- | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
pmodeltest_soft_slow      | pmodeltest | Test JTT,WAG,VT,LG,MtREV models using ML tree inference               
========================= | ========== | ======================================================================

List of tree builders

In [5]:
!ete3 build apps "tree builders"
                                               tree builders                                               
name                    | app type | desc.                                                                 
======================= | ======== | ======================================================================
bionj_default           | phyml    | BioNJ tree inferred with Phyml. default models JTT/GTR                
----------------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
fasttree_default        | fasttree | Fasttree with default parameters                                      
----------------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
fasttree_full           | fasttree | Fasttree with slow NNI and MLACC=3                                    
----------------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
phyml_default           | phyml    | Phyml tree using +G+I+F, 4 classes and aLRT branch supports. Default m
                        |          | odels JTT/GTR                                                         
----------------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
phyml_default_bootstrap | phyml    | Phyml tree using +G+I+F, 4 classes and 100 bootstraps. Default models 
                        |          | JTT/GTR                                                               
----------------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
raxml_default           | raxml    | RAxML with default parameters, GAMMA JTT/GTR and aLRT branch supports.
----------------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
raxml_default_bootstrap | raxml    | RAxML with default parameters, GAMMA JTT/GTR and 100 boostrap replicat
                        |          | es                                                                    
----------------------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
treebest_ensembl        | phyml    | (EXPERIMENTAL)                                                        
======================= | ======== | ======================================================================

List of species tree workflows

In [6]:
!ete3 build workflows supermatrix
                                                  Supermatrix Workflows                                                  
Worflow name                                  | Description                                                  | threads   
============================================= | ============================================================ | ==========
sptree_fasttree_100                           | Selects COGs present in all target species, make a concatena | 1         
                                              | ted alignment and build a tree with FastTree                 |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
sptree_fasttree_95                            | Selects COGs present in at least 95% of the target species,  | 1         
                                              | make a concatenated alignment and build a tree with FastTree |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
sptree_fasttree_90                            | Selects COGs present in at least 90% of the target species,  | 1         
                                              | make a concatenated alignment and build a tree with FastTree |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
sptree_fasttree_85                            | Selects COGs present in at least 85% of the target species,  | 1         
                                              | make a concatenated alignment and build a tree with FastTree |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
sptree_fasttree_all                           | Selects all COGS regardless of how many species are represen | 1         
                                              | ted, make a concatenated alignment and build a tree with Fas |           
                                              | tTree                                                        |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
sptree_raxml_100                              | Selects COGs present in all target species, make a concatena | 1         
                                              | ted alignment and build a tree with RAxML                    |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
sptree_raxml_95                               | Selects COGs present in at least 95% of the target species,  | 1         
                                              | make a concatenated alignment and build a tree with RAxML    |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
sptree_raxml_90                               | Selects COGs present in at least 90% of the target species,  | 1         
                                              | make a concatenated alignment and build a tree with RAxML    |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
sptree_raxml_85                               | Selects COGs present in at least 85% of the target species,  | 1         
                                              | make a concatenated alignment and build a tree with RAxML    |           
--------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------
sptree_raxml_all                              | Selects all COGS regardless of how many species are represen | 1         
                                              | ted, make a concatenated alignment and build a tree with RAx |           
                                              | ML                                                           |           
============================================= | ============================================================ | ==========

Inspect workflow details

(ete3 build show for inspecting / ete3 build dump for raw ouput )

In [7]:
!ete3 build show standard_raxml
standard_raxml = clustalo_default-none-none-raxml_default

                   _aa_tree_builder = @raxml_default
                        _aa_aligner = @clustalo_default
                    _nt_alg_cleaner = none
                   _aa_model_tester = none
                   _nt_tree_builder = @raxml_default
                               _app = genetree
                        _nt_aligner = @clustalo_default
                    _aa_alg_cleaner = none
                   _nt_model_tester = none
                            _appset = @builtin_apps

                              _desc = clustalo with default parameters
                               _app = clustalo

                              _desc = RAxML with default parameters, GAMMA JTT/GTR and aLRT branch supports.
                               _app = raxml
                         _bootstrap = alrt
                            _method = GAMMA
                          _aa_model = JTT
                      _model_suffix = 
                                 -f = d
                                 -p = 31416

Inspect application details

(ete3 build show for inspecting / ete3 build dump for raw ouput )

In [8]:
!ete3 build show pmodeltest_soft_ultrafast
                              _desc = Test JTT,WAG,VT,LG,MtREV models using NJ tree inference and skipping gamma, invariant sites, and frequency site estimation (!G!I!F)
                               _app = pmodeltest
                         _aa_models = JTT,WAG,VT,LG,MtREV
                         _nt_models = GTR
                             --fast = 
                            --noinv = 
                            --nogam =