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Run PAML example as is

The files that we are going to use for this example are:

  • data/lysozyme/lysozymeSmall.txt
  • data/lysozyme/lysozymeSmall.trees
  • data/lysozyme/lysozymeSmall.ctl


  • ete3
  • ete3_external_tools

ete_evol tools allows to run directly CodeML using PAML configuration file.

In [22]:
cat data/lysozyme/lysozymeSmall.ctl
      seqfile = lysozymeSmall.txt
     treefile = lysozymeSmall.trees
      outfile = mlc

        noisy = 9   * 0,1,2,3,9: how much rubbish on the screen
      verbose = 1   * 1: detailed output, 0: concise output
      runmode = 0   * 0: user tree;  1: semi-automatic;  2: automatic
                    * 3: StepwiseAddition; (4,5):PerturbationNNI 

      seqtype = 1   * 1:codons; 2:AAs; 3:codons-->AAs
    CodonFreq = 2   * 0:1/61 each, 1:F1X4, 2:F3X4, 3:codon table
        clock = 0   * 0: no clock, unrooted tree, 1: clock, rooted tree
        model = 2
                    * models for codons:
                        * 0:one, 1:b, 2:2 or more dN/dS ratios for branches

      NSsites = 0   * dN/dS among sites. 0:no variation, 1:neutral, 2:positive
        icode = 0   * 0:standard genetic code; 1:mammalian mt; 2-10:see below

    fix_kappa = 0   * 1: kappa fixed, 0: kappa to be estimated
        kappa = 2   * initial or fixed kappa
    fix_omega = 0   * 1: omega or omega_1 fixed, 0: estimate 
        omega = 2   * initial or fixed omega, for codons or codon-transltd AAs

    fix_alpha = 1   * 0: estimate gamma shape parameter; 1: fix it at alpha
        alpha = .0  * initial or fixed alpha, 0:infinity (constant rate)
       Malpha = 0   * different alphas for genes
        ncatG = 4   * # of categories in the dG or AdG models of rates

        getSE = 0   * 0: don't want them, 1: want S.E.s of estimates
 RateAncestor = 0   * (1/0): rates (alpha>0) or ancestral states (alpha=0)
       method = 0   * 0: simultaneous; 1: one branch at a time

* Specifications for duplicating results for the small data set in table 1
* of Yang (1998 MBE 15:568-573).
* see the tree file lysozyme.trees for specification of node (branch) labels

The configuration file above corresponds to a branch model where marked branches are allowed to evolve at different $\omega$ rate than non-marked branches. In this example from PAML, the branch marked is the branch c (the ancestor of Angolan colobus and Douc langur). See the tree in the PAML example:

In [23]:
head data/lysozyme/lysozymeSmall.trees

((Hsa_Human, Hla_gibbon),((Cgu/Can_colobus, Pne_langur) '#1', Mmu_rhesus), (Ssc_squirrelM, Cja_marmoset)); / * table 1B&F */

// end of file

Running codeml from the ete_evol tool using this configuration file would be:

In [4]:
ete3 evol --codeml_config_file data/lysozyme/lysozymeSmall.ctl
Using: /Users/jhc/anaconda/bin/ete3_apps/bin/Slr
Using: /Users/jhc/anaconda/bin/ete3_apps/bin/codeml

Running CodeML/Slr (1 CPUs)
  - processing model XX.lysozymeSmall.ctl
       marking branches 11

          ((Hsa_Human,Hla_gibbon),((Cgu/Can_colobus,Pne_langur) #1,Mmu_rhesus),(Ssc_squirrelM,Cja_marmoset));


 - Model XX.lysozymeSmall.ctl.11-1
   * Marked branches
      ((Hsa_Human,Hla_gibbon),((Cgu/Can_colobus,Pne_langur) #1,Mmu_rhesus),(Ssc_squirrelM,Cja_marmoset));

        Branches  =>   omega
              #1  =>   3.506
      background  =>   0.686

This command will run codeml on the control file with the only difference that the output file will be replaced by an output folder where all PAML ouput files will be stored.

In [5]:
ls data/lysozyme/mlc/XX.lysozymeSmall.ctl/
ls: cannot access data/lysozyme/mlc/XX.lysozymeSmall.ctl/: No such file or directory

Notice that an extra folder called XX.lysozymeSmall.ctl is created in order to allow one extra layer of organization if several control files have the same "outfile".

At the end of the main codeML output file we can see the result of the optimized branch model with a foreground $\omega$ of 3.5 and a background $\omega$ of 0.7

In [6]:
tail -n 5 data/lysozyme/mlc/XX.lysozymeSmall.ctl/out
tail: cannot open ‘data/lysozyme/mlc/XX.lysozymeSmall.ctl/out’ for reading: No such file or directory

On top of this, the ete_evol tool will generate a summary image:

In [7]:
from IPython.display import Image

Image which can be called interactively using the --view flag:

In [8]:
ete3 evol --codeml_config_file data/lysozyme/lysozymeSmall.ctl --view --resume
Using: /Users/jhc/anaconda/bin/ete3_apps/bin/Slr
Using: /Users/jhc/anaconda/bin/ete3_apps/bin/codeml

Running CodeML/Slr (1 CPUs)
  - processing model XX.lysozymeSmall.ctl
       marking branches 11

Model XX.lysozymeSmall.ctl.11-1 already executed... SKIPPING

 - Model XX.lysozymeSmall.ctl.11-1
   * Marked branches
      ((Hsa_Human,Hla_gibbon),((Cgu/Can_colobus,Pne_langur) #1,Mmu_rhesus),(Ssc_squirrelM,Cja_marmoset));

        Branches  =>   omega
              #1  =>   3.506
      background  =>   0.686
In [9]:
from IPython.display import Image